
January 2016 to April 2016
Designer, Level Designer | Single-Player Platformer
Academic Team Game, Team Ellipsis, 6 members


About: A 2D Platformer in which players navigate through hazardous worlds to gain abilities to traverse to new areas and restore colors to the world. This game was made to appeal to those seeking a solid challenge and strong audiovisual sensation.


Level Designer - Coordinated with Lead Designer to discuss how players moved through each level, obstacle placement and where abilities would be used. Decided where peaks and valleys in engagement and intensity lay throughout. Arranged level geometry in Zero Engine before porting the coordinates into the custom engine.

Designer - Designed concepts for the particle effects of the player's abilities in Zero Engine, adding to game feel sensation. Coordinated with teammates to bring them into the custom engine. Managed playtests and relayed feedback to dev team to integrate improvements.
