Enterprise Prototype
Sept 2018 to Sept 2018
Designer | Empathy-themed Serious Game
Team Project with iThrive Game Jam, 11 members
Winner of the Best Design Award from iThrive 2018
Enterprise tasks you with managing the workers of a toy factory. Your boss commands you through email to push the workers in case any of them get tired and not, under any circumstance, provide help or relief.
You have the choice of providing them with the help they need to stay productive or shouting at them to stay in line. Your choices determine the kinds of emails you get from the boss and workers and the eventual ending. This was developed based on iThrive’s theme of “Kindness.”
Designed the original concept and held the vision to adhere to the core “Kindness” theme.
Wrote the design document and set a clear roadmap with the producer and team.
System Designer
Conveyed moral choices as tangible, diegetic actions the players could use to affect the outcome.
Conveyed the game’s reaction to the player’s actions through email messages and endings.